Summary. Drywall Pro-Cut highlights the advantages of offsite manufacture for large projects, emphasizing safety, quality control, and efficiency in offsite building construction. This blog showcases how their precise drywall production and easy installation significantly save time, labour, and reduce waste, making offsite solutions increasingly popular for larger-scale constructions.


Many of our clients favour offsite manufactured drywall products for their larger projects. Whether this is due to the trusted safety of the process or the convenience, offsite building constructions such as drywall allow for a seamless project from start to finish. In today’s article, we’re going to delve into the key benefits of drywall offsite production for larger projects to understand why this method is becoming growingly popular.

Born as an extension of Taylor Hart, Drywall Pro-Cut provide offsite production for construction models that require a new level of reliability and cost-efficiency. We have worked alongside several renowned building contractors that have seen a huge reduction of time on projects.

What type of drywall suits larger projects?

We specialise in manufacturing a number of drywall components to suit a project entirely. These parts include deflection heads, partition infills and builder’s work holes. Once the site has been inspected, we can then undergo a consultation where the client provides us with exact measurements and details.

We cut all drywall components using our Flextos XPM machine before they’re sent over to be assembled. Once assembled, we deliver all partitions to the site as they’re immediately ready for easy installation.

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Why does offsite production benefit such larger projects?

There are many advantages to the offsite manufacture of drywall for bigger projects. See below for an insight.

Reduced Health & Safety Concerns

Due to the strict degree of accuracy when cutting drywall components offsite, we ensure that all parts perfectly fit into spaces, therefore reducing any risks or hazards that can be a consequence of poorly installed partitions. Not to mention, we meet all fire safety regulations, giving every workforce complete peace of mind.

Quality Control

Due to our factory environment, we offer complete intricacy in our products. As this is our specialism, our attention to detail is matchless. This removes the risk of issues that could arise during installation or when produced by the contractors themselves. Therefore, our pre-fabricated drywall components deliver a positive site experience for everybody.

Reduction of Time, Labour & Waste

Following on from the previous point, our meticulously modified compartments ensure that we hugely reduce our wastage of materials. Additionally, less labour time is needed onsite when producing drywall partitions, which saves our clients both time and budget for such large projects that are spaced out over several months.

Convenience for Large Batches

Lastly, larger projects tend to require a large batch load of drywall components. Drywall Pro-Cut can adhere to such large volumes while also sticking to the strict dimensions mentioned previously. Also, our products are instantly ready for installation, which is convenient due to them being perfectly fit for purpose.

Offsite Drywall Manufacturing for Large Projects

Would you like to find out more about the offsite building construction benefits to our drywall products? If so, get in touch with us today at and we’ll be happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have.

If you found this blog useful, you may want to read a previous one: Demonstrating Our Drywall Products at Events – Why Is This Effective?